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Wednesday 19 June 2013

UK Financial News on 2013-06-19

Lloyds to return to private hands
George Osborne has used his annual Mansion House speech to the City to announce the government is preparing to sell its stake in Lloyds Bank back to private investors......

Fed maintains pace of asset purchase
The Federal Reserve maintains its $85bn-a-month (54bn) asset purchase programme, but says it could begin scaling back the programme later this year......

Jail reckless bankers, report urges
Measures including criminal sanctions to make bankers responsible for their own failings, are called for in a new report......

Dolce and Gabbana sentenced to jail
Italian fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are sentenced to jail in Italy for tax evasion but have appealed against the verdict......

BT complains about Sky Sports supply
UK telecoms regulator Ofcom is to launch an investigation into BSkyB over the supply of its sports channels to rival broadcasters......

Drug firms fined for blocking rivals
Nine drug companies are fined for delaying cheaper generic drugs coming to market......

Home-buyers 'need 14 years to save'
The average single person in their twenties will now have to save for over 14 years before they can buy a home, says the housing charity Shelter......

Postal workers reject privatisation
Royal Mail workers vote strongly against the government's proposals to privatise the postal group......

IMF: Spain making strong progress
The IMF says Spain has made strong progress on its economy, but the outlook remains "difficult" and more action is needed to boost job creation......

China's Wanda to buy UK yacht maker
Dalian Wanda Group, a Chinese property developer, says it will spend 1bn ($1.6bn) to buy a British yacht maker and property in London......

BT's Livingston to be trade minister
BT chief executive Ian Livingston is to leave the company to join the government as a trade minister, David Cameron announces......

BoE votes 6-3 against stimulus move
The Bank of England governor was outvoted again at his final monetary policy committee meeting, with the body voting 6-3 against more stimulus measures......

Cyprus leader attacks bailout terms
Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades urges eurozone leaders to help his country's biggest bank and sharply criticises the bailout agreed in March......

Japan exports up by most since 2010
Japanese exports rose in May at the fastest annual rate since 2010 as the yen weakened, providing a boost to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's plan to revive the economy......

Food labels system to be rolled out
A new consistent system of front-of-pack food labelling is to be introduced in the UK, the government says......

London Market Report
Shares in London fall back, with investors expected to remain cautious ahead of comments from the US Federal Reserve......

Dish abandons bid for Sprint Nextel
US satellite TV operator Dish Network says it will not submit a revised bid for Sprint Nextel, leaving the way open for a rival bid from Japan's Softbank......

House price 'bubble' warning
Building Societies are warning the government about a future house price bubble, unless it plans how to end its Help to Buy programme......

Lloyds 'aware of' Co-op's black hole
The bosses of the Lloyds Banking Group tell MPs that they knew there was a black hole in the accounts of the Co-op Bank, four months before a vital deal with them collapsed......

G8 leaders agree deal on tax evasion
Leaders of the G8 major economies agree plan to clamp down on money launderers, illegal tax evaders and corporate tax avoiders......

EU car sales hit 20-year low for May
New car sales across Europe fell to their lowest level in two decades in May as the deepening recession hurt demand......

UK inflation rate rises to 2.7%
The rate of consumer price index (CPI) inflation increased to 2.7% in May, up from 2.4% in April, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) says......

Hearts placed into administration
Hearts' administrators say they are aware of the need to find a resolution to the club's problems so close to the new season......

WRU wants to discuss Lions profits
Welsh rugby chief Roger Lewis calls for a home nations rethink of how profits generated by British and Irish Lions tours are split......

Maradona in China compensation win
Diego Maradona wins compensation from two Chinese firms for using his name in an online game, Hot-Blooded Soccer, without his consent......

VIDEO: High hopes for Bombardier C-series
The chief of Canadian Bombardier, Pierre Beaudoin, has said the company's new C-series of regional jets could boost revenues by as much as a quarter......

VIDEO: Testing out battle kit of the future
It is not just planes and helicopter on display at the Paris Air Show, as the BBC's Theo Leggett found out when he tried on some of US defence firm Raytheon's new kit......

VIDEO: 'Made in Peru' World Cup shirts
Clothing manufacturers in Peru expect to make bumper profits next year by making football shirts for global fans descending on Brazil for the World Cup......

VIDEO: When might US Fed ease stimulus?
Investors want to know when the US Federal Reserve will begin scaling back its help for the economy - that is, buying $85bn a month in bonds and keeping interest rates low......

VIDEO: Sunseeker jobs in UK 'safe'
Chinese property developer Dalian Wanda Group has said it will spend more than 1bn ($1.6bn) to buy a British yacht maker and develop a hotel in London......

AUDIO: Today business round-up
The Today programme's business news with Simon Jack......

AUDIO: Banking report 'will change little'
Lord Myners, the former Labour city minister, says "very little will change for several years as a result of the Tyrie report" on banking standards......

VIDEO: Singapore economy suffers from smoke
Singapore's economy is being impacted by the huge cloud of smoke that drifts in from Sumatran wood fires every year......

VIDEO: The global middle class revolution
Where is the middle class growing around the world?.....

BT boss goes in to bat for Britain
BT boss goes in to bat for Britain.....

When will banking ever change?
Are there no new big banks because we are too lazy?.....

Will the Boeing and Airbus duopoly crack?
Will the Airbus/Boeing duopoly ever be broken?.....

IMF entering university market
The IMF offers free online university courses.....

Glimmers of hope in Detroit
Is down-at-heel Detroit on the brink of a comeback?.....

How do you prepare for a lifetime of renting?
How do you prepare for a lifetime of renting?.....

U.S. Day Ahead: Facebook to unveil mystery product
Jun 19 - Facebook's set to make its fourth big product announcement in six months after January's Graph Search......

Markets like being on the respirator- Economist Cary Leahey
June 19 - Decision Economics' economist Cary Leahey says the market will remain volatile through the summer if the Fed's forecast proves too optimistic. Bobbi Rebell reports......

Trading at Noon: Markets hold their breath before Bernanke
Treasury reporter Luciana Lopez says Fed chief Ben Bernanke is likely to be cautious with his guidance as markets pay close attention, seeking signs of scaling back on the bond buying program......

Breakingviews: Sprint to the finish line
June 19 - Breakingviews columnists say SoftBank and Sprint may seem closer to a deal since Dish abandoned its bid, but the satellite TV providers interest in Clearwire could still stir trouble......

Obama calls for nuclear arms cut
June 19 - Speaking in front of the Brandenburg Gate, which once divided communist East Berlin from the capitalist West, President Obama said he wanted to reduce deployed nuclear weapons by a third. The U.S. and EU free trade deal was also on agenda a.....

IMF thumbs up for Spain but risks remain
Jun.19 - The International Monetary Fund says Spain has made strong progress in stabilising its economy, but warns the focus must now be on addressing the country's jobs crisis. Ciara Sutton reports......

New players eye lucrative plane market
Jun.19 - Russian and Asian firms want a slice of the airliner market dominated by Airbus and Boeing. But they face a tough time convincing airlines to buy their planes. Julian Satterthwaite reports from the Paris Air Show......

FedEx's profits fly higher
June 19 - FedEx posts higher-than-expected profits, but it's cutting capacity between the U.S. and Asia. Fred Katayama reports......

Memo to Osborne: dont rush to offload RBS and Lloyds
June 19 - The UK government shouldnt wash its hands of the part-nationalised banks, says Olivetree Securities Simon Maughan. Taxpayers wont like it and investors are looking for dividends......

Daily Digit: $16 billion buyback offer for Dell
June 19 - Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is promising a $16 billion stock buyback to Dell shareholders if they turn down the Dell/Silverlake offer to go private. Bobbi Rebell reports......

How brand impact can boost investment returns
June 19 - Havas Media Head of Strategy, Kate Cox, explains why their Meaningful Brands Index outperforms stock markets by 120%......

Europe Day Ahead: Fed up? Let the flash PMIs cheer you up
June 19 - European markets get their chance Thursday to react to the Fed's decision today. They will also get the first glimpse into how the euro zone economy is faring this month, with the flash PMIs for June......

Time to shop for retail space - Tristan Capital
June 19 - Retail space has fallen out of favour with property investors, but the time has come to snap up a bargain as the cycle starts to turn, says Simon Martin, Head of Research & Strategy at Tristan Capital.....

Buy the dollar, the cleanest shirt in the laundry - NAB
FX forecasting poll. So what's he saying now? Look through the current market volatility and Fed uncertainty and buy dollars......

U.S. Morning Call: Bidding wars heat up for Dell and Sprint
Jun 19 - Carl Icahn promised shareholders that Dell would buy back up to $16 bln of stock if they join him; Softbank's closer to a Sprint deal......

Market Pulse: Europe's attractive, it's certainly cheap
June 19 - It may be a contrarian call, but low valuations in Europe make stocks an attractive proposition, says Investec's Charles Newsome......

Daily Digit: H&M June sales rise
June 19 - H&M, the world's second-largest fashion retailer, reports a sharp rise in sales, offsetting the negative impact of a greater than expected drop in earnings in the second quarter. Hayley Platt reports......

Paris Air Show 2013: EADS - were more than just Airbus!
June 19 - EADS CFO Harald Wilhelm on why EADS is more than just Airbus, even if that message is sometimes hard to get across......

Delayed Berlin airport costs Germany dear
June 19 - Berlin's new international airport should have been open for a year, but may not start operating until 2017. The cost has doubled to 4.3 billion euros, mostly due to the delays. Joanna Partridge reports from Berlin on what's gone wrong, and.....

Global climate deal a must despite Copenhagen trauma - Kim
June 19 - A pledge by President Obama and Xi to fight climate change is a good first step but its still imperative to broker a global deal, argues World Bank President Jim Yong Kim......

China leaping forward on carbon footprint - World Bank
June 19 - China has set very aggressive goals to cut its carbon footprint as well as short-lived climate pollutants, says World Bank President Jim Yong Kim......

BRICs will suffer from QE rollback - World Bank
June 19 - As quantitative easing slows, developing countries will struggle to access capital, warns World Bank President Jim Yong Kim at a newsmaker event in London......

BRICs will suffer from QE rollback - World Bank
June 19 - As quantitative easing slows, developing countries will struggle to access capital, warns World Bank President Jim Yong Kim at a newsmaker event in London......

Water "the teeth" of climate change - World Bank
June 19 - Growing pressure over water remains the most worrying symptom of climate change, argues the World Bank President, while a projected 2C rise in temperature by 2030 could submerge Bangkok......

Reuters Breakingviews: UK banks report pulls its punches
June 19 - A long-awaited UK parliamentary report into the banking industry fails to hit the mark - it pulls more punches than it lands......

Sir Mervyn King to receive a life peerage
The outgoing Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King will be given a life peerage, Downing Street has confirmed.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-v.....

Lloyds privatisation is 'active', says George Osborne
The Chancellor has fired the starting gun on the privatisation of Lloyds Banking Group, opening the prospect of a first sale of the taxpayer-backed lender's shares within months.<img width='1' height='1' src='

George Osborne's 'bad bank' plan for RBS has one big danger
George Osborne has set out three tests the bad bank must meet for it to be a viable solution.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><table b.....

RBS, Lloyds and Barclays 'make up 90pc of 25bn black hole'
The City regulator is to trigger one of the biggest ever capital raising efforts after laying bare funding gaps that amount to a 25bn blackhole hidden in Britain's banks.<img width='1' height='1' src='

George Osborne: economy is 'out of intensive care'
The British economy is moving towards a recovery from the financial crisis, Chancellor George Osborne declares.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-vir.....

George Osborne: Economy is 'out of intensive care'
The UK economy is "out of intensive care" and moving towards a recovery, the Chancellor says.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><table b.....

Germany's ascendancy over Europe will prove short-lived
Germany has peaked. Its hegemony in Europe is a "power illusion", a confluence of fleeting advantages soon to be overwhelmed by the delayed effect of error and the crush of historic forces.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegraph.feedsporta.....

Federal Reserve could start 'tapering' QE later this year
Bernanke says US central bank could start slowing asset-purchase scheme later this year and end it by mid-2014.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-vir.....

The US recovery: in numbers
The Federal Reserve has kept its stimulus program for the US economy unchanged and gave no hint as to when it might begin reeling in its $85bn-a-month bond purchases. Here is a look at the US recovery so far.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://t.....

Federal Reserve remains tight-lipped on 'tapering'
The Federal Reserve has kept its stimulus program for the US economy unchanged.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'>&.....

NWR slumps to record low
Shares in the Czech coal producer are coming under mounting pressure.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr>&.....

Bumi's directors criminally liable for poor records, claims Pirc
All of Bumi's 11 directors have committed a "criminal offence" by failing to ensure that the coal mining group's Indonesian businesses keep proper accounting records, shareholder lobby firm Pirc has claimed.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://te.....

BT chief Ian Livingston: 'I couldn't say no to Government job'
Ian Livingston is quitting BT for Westminster as the former state monopoly enters the tougest competitive battle in its history against BSkyB, writes Christopher Williams.<img width='1' height='1' src='

UK electricity prices almost twice as expensive as Germany within three years
Gap due to new UK tax aimed at supporting renewable power generation, Credit Suisse claims.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><table bor.....

Lord Green to retire after reforming UKTI
Lord Green was credited with leading the "reform and rejuvenation" of UK Trade & Industry by David Cameron, who announced the unexpected switch of his Trade Ministers on Wednesday.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Thousands of families set to take holidays during term-time
Tens of thousands of adults will taking their children on holiday during school time this year because of spiralling prices.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div .....

Business news and markets: as it happened, June 19, 2013
Cyprus has asked the eurozone and IMF for an overhaul of the conditions for its controversial 10bn bail-out.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'.....

IFRS is illegal, investors claim
A group of powerful investors has demanded an urgent review of Britain's accounting rules after being given a legal opinion that they not only distort bank accounts but also fall foul of Company Law.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegraph......

Business news and markets: live
Cyprus has asked the eurozone and IMF for an overhaul of the conditions for its controversial 10bn bail-out.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'.....

96 per cent of Royal Mail staff vote 'no' to privatisation
Royal Mail workers have overwhelmingly voted "no" to privatisation in a ballot which also threatens a wholesale boycott of competitors' mail.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border.....

Fully comp car insurance is cheaper - until you hit 40
New research shows how outdated the assumption is that drivers get a discount for third party cover.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><div class='mf-viral'><.....

China's central bank tightens screw on shadow banking system
China's central bank has sent a "warning signal" to the country's overextended lenders, as it rejected a plea to increase money supply, pushing short term borrowing costs to a six-year high.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegraph.feedsport.....

Royal Mail staff vote overwhelming against privatisation
Royal Mail staff have overwhelming voted against the government's plan to privatise the 497-postal service, with 96pc opposed.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><di.....

TripAdvisor acquires flight information app GateGuru
TripAdvisor, the travel ratings website, has acquired US start-up GateGuru, a mobile app offering flight and airport information around the world.<img width='1' height='1' src='' b.....

TripAvisor acquires flight information app GateGuru
TripAdvisor, the travel ratings website, has acquired US start-up GateGuru, a mobile app offering flight and airport information around the world.<img width='1' height='1' src='' b.....