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Sunday 16 September 2012

UK Financial News on 2012-09-16

Income levels 'to rise next year'
UK households will see a rise in real income levels next year for the first time since the onset of the financial crisis, a study suggests......

Cuts rallies in Madrid and Lisbon
Tens of thousands of people rally in Spain and Portugal in protest at spending cuts and tax rises in the debt-hit countries......

Road charge for foreign lorries
Foreign lorries will be charged up to 1,000 a year to use British roads in a bid to benefit domestic hauliers, the government confirms......

Greece euro exit 'catastrophic'
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras reiterates his belief that exiting the euro would be a "catastrophe" for his country, and calls for more time to make cuts......

VIDEO: Road charge proposal for lorries
Foreign trucks driving on British roads could be charged up to 1,000 a year under government proposals designed to help domestic hauliers......

VIDEO: Restoring pearl industry's lustre
Before oil was found in the Gulf, pearl diving was the region's main industry - but now there is only one pearl dhow working out of Dubai, in the service of heritage tourism......

VIDEO: Your Money: The national pension plan
In this week's Your Money, Declan Curry looks at how the new national pension scheme will affect people, the possible end of the till receipt and the trend for credit unions offering mortgages......

Stock markets giving mixed messages
Market euphoria is at odds with the stagnant global economy.....

Malaria cure is in sight, say researchers
Sept. 16 - Researchers at the University of Cape Town say they may be close to finding a cure for malaria following their discovery of a compound that disrupts the malaria parasite's lifecycle in animal models, effectively destroying it. The research.....

Thousands demonstrate against austerity in Spain
Sept. 15 - Tens of thousands demonstrate in Madrid against spending cuts and tax rises. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)......

Thousands demonstrate against austerity in Spain
Sept. 15 - Tens of thousands demonstrate in Madrid against spending cuts and tax rises. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)......

Unrest persists at South Africa mine
Sept. 15 - Striking miners near the site where 34 miners were killed last month face tear gas and rubber bullets as police try to disperse them. Deborah Lutterbeck reports......

UK royals sue over topless Kate photos
Sept. 15 - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have launched legal proceedings against the publisher of French magazine Closer for breach of privacy, after it printed a series of photos of the Duchess, Kate Middleton, sunbathing topless. Joanna Partrid.....

Burberry's flagship store mirrors online world
Technology Correspondent Matt Cowan speaks to the brand's Chief Creative Officer Christopher Bailey about the vision for the store, which blends cutting edge technology with tradional craftsmanship......

Lady Gaga's smell of success
Sept. 14 - Lady Gaga heads to New York to celebrate the launch of her debut fragrance Fame on the heels of platinum-selling albums and a sold-out world tour as her business and philanthrophic empire outshines other pop rivals like Katy Perry, Rihanna.....

Real incomes set to jump in 2013, says think-tank
Real incomes are set to grow again in 2013 after three years of decline as the economy pulls out of recession, with poorer families enjoying the largest gains.<img width='1' height='1' src='

MPs to grill civil servants after Rock loss claim
Senior civil servants will be grilled by MPs tomorrow on their handling of Northern Rock after claims that taxpayers could still face 2bn losses from the decision to nationalise it.<img width='1' height='1' src='

South African troops disperse Lonmin mine protest
South African troops have been deployed to crack down on the rebellion at Lonmin's Marikana mines ahead of crucial talks between the London-listed company and its striking workers.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Spain shuns further cuts as unrest grows
Spain is digging in its heels against further austerity as protests sweep the country and mounting tensions with Catalan nationalists threaten to split the country.<img width='1' height='1' src='

BAE and EADS merger hopes hit by government veto warning
The proposed 30bn merger faces a major hurdle amid warnings that plan to issue "golden shares" to the key governments would be against European law.<img width='1' height='1' src=''.....

Christmas chaos fear over West Coast rail swap
Train passengers could face chaos on the West Coast line in the run-up to Christmas because there may be insufficient time to transfer the franchise from Virgin Rail to a new operator.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Xstrata board warms to Glencore's 36bn offer as decision nears
Directors at mining group Xstrata are this week expected to back Glencore's latest merger proposal.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br/><br/><a href=.....

Man of the Match? We'll send the bill later
For years, bookies and sports pundits have been using the phrase "man of the match" to heap praise on the best player in a game, but they may soon have to pay for the privilege.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Sports Direct closes in on JJB 'pre-pack' takeover
Sports Direct is poised to complete a takeover of struggling rival JJB in a move that could result in half of the latter's stores being closed and thousands of jobs put at risk.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Film distributor in Steven Spielberg deal
Entertainment One, the film distribution business behind Peppa Pig and Twilight, has struck a deal to add Steven Spielberg's next films to its roster of titles.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Bernanke attacked for 'too low' interest rates
The US Federal Reserve and central banks worldwide kept interest rates far too low in the build-up to the global credit bubble and may have caused much of the crisis, the world's top watchdog has concluded.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://tel.....

Bank-bashing London 'at risk of losing out' to New York
London risks being eclipsed by New York as the capital is hit by "banker bashing" and badly thought-out property tax rises, according to the man behind One Hyde Park, the UK's most expensive residential development.<img width='1' height='1' src='h.....

Gold shines more brightly as Bernanke pushes out the QE boat again
Ben Bernanke fired the starting gun for more quantitative easing (QE) last week, in a move that should be positive for commodity prices - especially gold. But has the effect of extra liquidity already been priced in?<img width='1' height='1' src='.....

Wave hello to Japan's next disaster
Far beyond the harbour at Kamaishi town in north east Japan, the ravaged remains of its sea defences still rise jagged above the water.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/&.....

The End of China's Easy Growth
The more we learn about China's vast stimulus plans, the more far-fetched they seem.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/>.....

Could FSA chairman Lord Turner be next to lead the Bank of England?
Academic. Public policy guru. Top banking industry consultant. Lord Turner, 57, the chairman of the Financial Services Authority, has gathered a broad range of experience over his career of more than 30 years that makes him one of the frontrunners fo.....

The Monday interview: Galliford Try's Greg Fitzgerald says we're in the middle of a housing crunch
For someone whose company is expected to report record profits on Tuesday, Greg Fitzgerald is not exactly upbeat.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br/><br/&.....

More QE must be in the context of today's problems, not those of 2009
Context, as they say, is everything, which is why the increasingly polarised debate over the benefits of the Bank of England's policy of quantitative easing (QE), under which UK government debt is bought with printed money, is neither particularly in.....

Week ahead in business and economics: Sep 17-Sep 21
Eurozone debt crisis will be the main economic focus this week.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br/><br/><a href="

We can have affordable housing if we have the political will to change
Following the Government's recent measures to stimulate the building trade, controversy has been bubbling about them, and about what more can be done. I am decidedly an activist.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Alliance Boots eyes major China expansion
Alliance Boots is to buy a 12pc stake in one of China's largest pharmaceutical wholesalers in a 56m deal designed to help the company become "one of the major players in China" within a decade.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegraph.feedsp.....

South Africa deploys army to deal with Lonmin dispute
South African police on Sunday blocked and dispersed a march by hundreds of protesting miners against a security crackdown, as the army was drafted in to help subdue further violence at Lonmin's nearby Marikana platinum mine.<img width='1' height=.....

Wonga profits treble as Britons struggle to get credit
Wonga saw its profits treble last year, amid a surge in applications by cash-strapped Britons, many of whom have had difficulty obtaining short-term credit from mainstream banks.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Lloyds has 'absolutely no plans' to end free banking
Lloyds Banking Group has "absolutely no plans" to start charging for basic current accounts, as the head of its retail division rejected calls for the end of free banking.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Black Wednesday: 'I felt like a surgeon realising the patient was dead'
Twenty years after Black Wednesday, then-chancellor Lord Lamont lays to rest the myths surrounding Britain's ERM exit<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br/><.....