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Monday 14 May 2012

UK Financial News on 2012-05-14

New figures reignite prop trading battle
JP Morgan loss renews support for Volcker Rule, but bankers maintain regulatory focus is misguided.....

High-spending Sunrise spoils for Icap fight
The world's largest exotic equity derivatives brokerage has gone on a spending spree for staff and technology to challenge arch-rival Icap amid OTC boom.....

JP Morgan plots Asian prime brokerage push
US bank aims to replicate the model it rolled out with some success in Europe last summer.....

Springtime in Japan as activist manager launches new fund
Governance for Owners is launching a new fund targeting small and medium-sized business in Japan.....

Instinet shake-up could see broker exit markets
The global agency brokerage wholly owned by Nomura will become the electronic arm of the Japanese bank's equities franchise.....

Madoff investor UBP shuts London funds
Swiss asset manager and private bank closes institutional funds in the UK capital.....

HSBC to focus dark pool strategy on Europe
Banking giant is in the advanced stages of planning for a new European dark pool trading platform, and has quashed plans to develop a similar venue in Hong Kong.....

Ballardie exits Barclays amid cost-cutting drive
One of the European trading industry's high-profile female executives has left Barclays after a broader review of the bank's cost base.....

Afme prepares for launch of securitisation kitemark
Move to revive Europe's ailing ABS market is expected to go live in the third quarter.....

World shares fall on Greek crisis
Shares fall on both sides of the Atlantic as the continuing political uncertainty in Greece undermines investor confidence......

JPMorgan executive Drew resigns
JPMorgan Chase says its chief investment officer Ina Drew is to leave after a $2bn (1.2bn) trading blunder......

Groupon's quarterly loss narrows
US voucher firm Groupon says its quarterly loss has narrowed from a year earlier and it has a record 36.9 million active customers......

Facebook's Saverin quits the US
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin has renounced his US citizenship, just days ahead of the company's stock flotation......

UK plays down Greece fund claims
The UK government plays down claims it may have to contribute to a fund to help Greece if it falls out of the euro......

Energy price battle lines drawn
Energy company E.On promises that it will not increase UK residential energy prices this year amid hints of rising costs in the winter......

Best Buy loses second top boss
The founder of US electronics retailer Best Buy is leaving after it was found he knew the chief executive was having an affair but did not disclose it......

Prospect accepts pensions deal
Plans for changes to public sector pensions from 2015 are accepted by members of the UK's second-largest civil service union, Prospect......

Euro industrial output falls back
Industrial production in the eurozone fell by 0.3% in March, figures show, fuelling concerns that the bloc has returned to recession......

Call to improve sickness levels
Recent falls in levels of workplace sickness absence have stalled and fresh efforts must be made to maintain the downward trend, a report says......

House price 'reality gap' widens
The average property in Scotland is being sold for about 10% less than the asking price, a survey suggests......

Lonmin first-half profits plunge
Lonmin, the world's third largest platinum producer, sees pre-tax profits plunge nearly 90% in the first half of the year due to higher costs and reduced output......

Charity shops enjoy record income
Spending in UK charity shops reached almost 1bn last year but High Street outlets need more donations to meet demand, according to a report......

Fresh blow to Greek cabinet talks
A fresh blow is dealt to Greek coalition talks with the moderate Democratic Left party confirming it will not join pro-bailout parties......

Yahoo CEO Thompson quits his post
Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson has stepped down amid accusations a fake computer science degree was included on his CV......

JAL profits boosted by cost cuts
Japan Airlines, which went bankrupt two years ago, posts an annual net profit of 186.6bn yen ($2.3bn; 1.5bn) thanks to cost cuts......

Disabled benefit reform 'needed'
Planned changes to disability benefits will go ahead, the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith insists, saying that reform is needed......

Fast rise in India inflation rate
India's inflation rises more than expected to 7.2% in April, driven by higher prices of food, fuel and manufactured items......

China bank bid to boost economy
China cuts the amount banks have to hold in reserve in a bid to boost its slowing economy......

Tepco reports loss as costs soar
Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) reports a full-year net loss as it struggles with trillions of yen in costs related to the nuclear crisis at its power plant in Fukushima......

Hague tells bosses to work harder
Foreign Secretary William Hague has called on bosses to stop "complaining" about the state of the economy and work harder......

Rank Group buys 23 Gala casinos
Mecca Bingo owner Rank buys 23 casinos from Gala Coral for 205m in a deal that will make it the biggest UK casino operator......

Aviva to host 2013 Heineken final
Next season's Heineken Cup final will be staged at the Aviva Stadium while Dublin will also host the Amlin Challenge Cup decider......

'No specific threat' to Olympics
There is no "specific" terror threat to the London Olympics following last week's major security exercise, the defence secretary tells BBC News......

Takeover deal for Rangers agreed
Former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green agrees a deal to buy Scottish Premier League club Rangers......

VIDEO: What if Greece exits the eurozone?
With no end to the political crisis in Athens in sign, EU policy-makers are now talking about the the technical process of managing a Greek withdrawal from the eurozone......

VIDEO: Guide to developing mobile games
With mobile gaming becoming an increasingly lucrative sector, young entrepreneurs are focusing their attentions on this growing industry......

AUDIO: 'Default within the euro is possible'
The leader of far-left Syriza party will not attend talks on forming a new government in Greece, plunging the country into further political disarray......

VIDEO: Murdoch QC hits back on Times deal claim
Rhodri Davies QC, counsel for News International, has responded to "implausible" theories about how Rupert Murdoch became owner of The Times and Sunday Times......

AUDIO: Is UK affected by Greek turmoil?
Radio 5 live asked the UK president of Boeing if businesses will be affected by Greek political and financial turmoil......

VIDEO: Europe shares hit by Greek crisis
Europe shares hit by Greek crisis as the prospect of exiting the euro grows......

VIDEO: Life as a young brewer revealed
As millions remain unemployed, a younger brewer talks about his career path and says there are jobs in his industry......

AUDIO: We need a 'smarter' approach to work
Lesley Batchelor, the director general of the Institute of Exports, has told the BBC the country needs a smarter approach to the way it trades internationally......

Viewpoint: Why New York City is best for small businesses
The boss of NYC's small business department speaks out.....

In-flight internet to take off?
Using satellites to provide planes with fast reliable wi-fi.....

Viewpoint: China's global brands challenge
An expert explains why Chinese brands lack global impact.....

U.S. Day Ahead: JPMorgan's shareholders to judge CEO pay
Breakingsviews Columnist Antony Currie......

Euro zone ministers focus on Greece
May.14 - Finance ministers of the 17 euro countries meet to discuss Greece where a political deadlock raises the prospect of the country's exit from the euro zone. Sonia Legg reports.....

Wealth Strategies: JPM might buy back stock: Strategist
May 14 - JPMorgan had been a standout in the first quarter of 2012 but the stock is now slumping. Edmund Cowart, portfolio manager of Equity Income and Value Strategist at Eagle Asset Management talks about the stocks outlook on news of its $2 billio.....

Shareholders cheer Yahoo CEO exit
May 14 - Shares of Yahoo got a boost after the exit of CEO Scott Thomson following questions about his academic record. Bobbi Rebell reports......

China's 'instant building'
May 14 - A Chinese company builds a low-carbon, three-story building from scratch in just over a week using a unique system of prefabricated modules, while its ambitious CEO says he has much larger plans. Ethan Bilby reports.....

JPMorgan exec quits after trading loss
May 14 - JPMorgan's Chief Investment Officer Ina Drew is retiring after 30 years, the first casualty after the bank suffered trading losses that could reach more than $3 billion and which have sparked an investigation by U.S. securities regulators. J.....

Trading at Noon: JPMorgan drags Dow lower again
May 14 - U.S. stocks are down as JPMorgan announces CIO Ina Drew is leaving the company after it suffered a $2 billion trading loss......

Breakingviews: JPMorgan's #whalefail
May 14 - Rob Cox and Breakingviews editors discuss why Jamie Dimon should take an aggressive stance on pay with JPMorgan execs responsible for the bank's trading losses......

Doctors credit stem cell therapy for saving girl's life
May 14 - An experimental stem cell treatment has, according to doctors, saved the life of a seven-year old Romanian girl with a deadly bone marrow disease. The treatment was used as a last resort after two bone marrow transplant operations failed and.....

Europe Day Ahead: Tuesday
May 14 - A look ahead to Tuesday's key events including Francois Hollande's swearing in ceremony and trip to Berlin, euro zone GDP data and nuclears talks with Iran in Vienna......

3XSQ: JPMorgan executive shuffle, Greece woes
May 14 - JPMorgan Chase isn't wasting anytime making changes on the executive level while Greece is leading European stocks lower......

Euro Crisis Watch: No benefit to Greece leaving Euro - HSBC
May 14 - HSBC's Steven Major remains optimistic that Greece can remain in the euro zone despite its failure to form a government. The ECB leaves its bond buying programme dormant for the 9th straight week......

U.S. Morning Call: JPMorgan execs set to leave: sources
May 14 - Sources say JPMorgan execs will depart following the companys $2 bln failed hedging strategy......

Market Pulse: EZ crisis now "as bad as it's ever been"
May 14 - A perfect storm of financial, economic and political factors send markets into tailspin. Spain and Greece hardest hit, oil at 2012 low......

Breakingviews: Europe could save itself from a Greek exit
May 14 - The euro zone needs a plan B for a Greek exit, but that may be too much for its leaders to stomach, says Breakingviews Hugo Dixon......

Breakingviews: JPMorgan hammers another nail in VaR coffin
May 14 - JPMorgan's $2 billion loss may have dealt a fatal blow to Value-at-Risk. Breakingviews' Robert Cole assesses whether the alternatives are any better......

Reuters Today: Greece nears end-game, euro crisis deepens
May 14 - Fresh elections in Greece look a certainty, raising the probability of default and euro exit. And Angela Merkel suffers an election blow......

China lacks the firepower to avoid slowdown: JPMorgan
May 14 - Beijing is unlikely to spend big on infrastructure to reverse an economic slowdown, says Adrian Mowat of JPMorgan......

Greek instability fuels euro exit fears
May 14 - European shares fell to their lowest levels in over four months on worries about political instability in Greece, with Greek bank shares among the biggest fallers. A week after elections, Greece is without a new coalition government, leading.....

Zambians say "ni hao" to get a job
May 14 - By the end of 2010 China had invested an estimated 2 billion US dollars in Zambia, and now learning Mandarin is becoming increasingly popular with local workers to give them the competitive edge in the job market. Ciara Sutton reports.....

Crash deals blow to Russian aerospace revival
May 13 - Russia's United Aircraft president meets recovery workers as Russian forensic experts join Indonesian team identifying plane crash victims. Sunita Rappai reports......

JPMorgan CEO says bank reacted badly to red flags
May 13 - JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon says his bank reacted badly to warning flags last month that it had losing trades in derivatives. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.....

Thousands in Spain austerity demos
May 13 - Tens of thousands of activists mark the anniversary of the first Indignados protest with marches against austerity measures. Paul Chapman reports......

Protesters: UK police 'heavy-handed'
May 13 - 'Occupy' activists in London accuse police of heavy-handed tactics after a march to the Bank of England. Paul Chapman reports......

Groupon reports first quarterly profit
Groupon posted its first quarterly profit as the world's largest daily deal company reined in marketing spending while signing up more customers and merchants, sending its stock 12.5pc higher.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegraph.feedspo.....

Merkel tells Greece to back cuts or face euro exit
Greece may be forced to leave euro if country refuses to implement spending cuts agreed with European Union, Angela Merkel warns, as financial markets tumble at prospect of a break-up.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Low-income households led debt binge
Britain's pre-crisis boom was fuelled by an unsustainable debt binge among lower and middle income households, new research shows.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/>&l.....

HSS Hire calls in advisers over sale
Archie Norman has hoisted a 'for sale' sign over HSS Hire, the machinery and tools business co-owned with hedge fund Och-Ziff.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br.....

Eurozone industrial production falls, boosting recession fears
Industrial output in the eurozone tumbled unexpectedly in March making it almost certain that Eurostat will tomorrow say the 17-member states have returned to recession.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Recession returns to ratchet up euro misery
If you thought today looked bad, tomorrow looks worse. Amid all its other woes, the eurozone is now in recession, or that's what most experts predict will emerge from tomorrow's official figures.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegraph.feed.....

Brace, brace. Dark times ahead as Greece heads for the exit
European policymakers are about to commit another major blunder in their handling of the eurozone debt crisis, and this time it could well be fatal.<img width='1' height='1' src=''.....

Google fears hit
Who's afraid of Google? Investors in certainly seemed to be today, as they heeded analysts' warnings that the internet giant could wipe out two-thirds of the price comparison site's profits.<img width='1' height='1' src='http:.....

Greek politicians urged to end the deadlock and form a government as financial markets tumble
Politicians in Athens were urged to make the 'right decision' and avert the 'terrible consequences' of their deadlock as fears of a Greek exit from the euro gripped financial markets.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Debt crisis: as it happened, May 14, 2012
Markets have fallen heavily and debt yields have risen, as EU finance ministers meet for 'political' talks that are expected to focus on the ongoing crises in Greece and Spain.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Lord Jones says William Hague's criticism of British businesses is 'a bit rich'
Lord Jones hit back at claims by the Foreign Secretary William Hague that businesses need to stop complaining and "work hard" to generate growth, branding the comments "a bit rich".<img width='1' height='1' src='

Debt crisis: live
Markets have fallen heavily and debt yields have risen, as EU finance ministers meet this afternoon for 'political' talks that are expected to focus on the ongoing crises in Greece and Spain.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegraph.feedspor.....

Spanish borrowing costs surge on bank rescue fears
Spanish borrowing costs rose to their highest level over Germany's since the euro was launched, amid fears the country's latest bank rescue plan is inadequate.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Rolls Royce director: Tuition fees threaten to 'blow science degrees out of the water'
University tuition fees threaten to deal a fatal blow to science education in Britain, a senior director at aerospace engineer Rolls Royce has warned.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Sir John Peace calls on cavalry to halt bonus cap
Chairman of Standard Chartered has called on the political "cavalry" to lead the charge against European plans for a bonus cap that could cripple Britain's financial services industry.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Peace calls on cavalry to halt bonus cap
Sir John Peace, chairman of Standard Chartered, has called on the political "cavalry" to lead the charge against European plans for a bonus cap that could cripple Britain's financial services industry.<img width='1' height='1' src='http://telegrap.....

Heathrow to become a 'branch line' without third runway
Heathrow will be reduced to the status of a 'local airport' unless the Government thinks again about building a third runway BAA warned today.<img width='1' height='1' src='' borde.....

Ex-Best Buy chief called employee 224 times
Brian Dunn, the former chief executive of Best Buy, contacted a junior female employee 224 times during the course of two overseas business trips last year, according to an internal investigation into a relationship that cost the executive the top jo.....

Bingle lunching out on his departure to new comms agency
Just what we need to dig us out of our economic mire - another PR company. Diary learns Peter "never-knowingly-under-lunched" Bingle is setting up on his own.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Oil prices to double by 2022, IMF paper warns
Oil prices could double over the next decade with sweeping implications for the global economy, according to a report commissioned by the International Monetary Fund.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Facebook founder Eduardo Saverin quits US to save tax
Eduardo Saverin, the co-founder of Facebook, has given up his US citizenship in a move that should reduce his tax bill, just as the world's largest social networking site prepares for a $96bn (58bn) flotation this week.<img width='1' height='1' sr.....

Banks' changes to SME loans 'unlawful'
Banks are "unlawfully" changing loan terms and refusing to negotiate with small businesses, a law firm has claimed.<img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br/><br.....

Plus Markets to close leaving 150 companies looking for new homes
Thousands of shareholders in companies listed on one of London's junior stock markets saw the value of their investments thrown into doubt after it was revealed the bourse was to close.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Failing NICs holiday scheme in steep decline
The take-up of a Government initiative designed to encourage new companies to take on staff has plummeted again - by 39pc over the last quarter, official figures reveal.<img width='1' height='1' src='

Businessman sued after dumping crates of coins in accountant's garden
An accountant has successfully sued a disgruntled client who attempted to settle an 800 bill by dumping five crate loads of coins in his garden.<img width='1' height='1' src='' bor.....